Entropy is a guild on GB and are aiming for Flex normal/hc
Raids: We raid Flex content (with the occasional Mythic):
Tuesday from 20.30-23.00 servertime.
Wednesday from 20.30-23.00 servertime.
Sunday from 20.30-23.00 servertime.
Think you have what it takes to be in Entropy? What do we expect
from YOU!
* Top enchanted gear with the best gems for your spec.
* Always be pve specced for raids.
* Be able to use ventrilo, and addons like DBM in raids.
* We are expecting you to be a good players with confidence in your
skills, that has dps/tps/hps output equal to your current gear.
* To increase your performance we expect you to use
pots/flasks/consumables/food etc to really maximise your
* We also expect youre enviromental awarness to be decent and to
have a good understanding of how other classes and raid roles
* When we put you to do a certain task we expect a good improving
performance on that task.
* We require you to have high attendance during your trial
* Be a nice friendly social person that have some self irony and a
sense of humor. Jokes will be made on players behalf so you
shouldn't be to easy to offend as it is jokes.
(PS: If your one of does ppl that are ONLY after loot and dont
wanna sign up for progress raids.
Dont bother spending time applying to Entropy^^)