Weeping Angels is a 10m raiding guild on Draenor EU.
Weeping Angels started off on Bronzebeard and moved to Draenor due
to unable to recruit on previous realm, we got off to a late start
of this tier due to issues within in the guild.
But now we are back stronger than ever and ready to rince through
this tier!
Weeping Angels is not a "Hardcore" progression guild that have
their focus 100% on progression, we focus on having fun as a guild
and maintaining a good raid environment.
The raiding roster and guild mostly consists of Danish irl friends
that have previous hardcore and softcore raiding experience.
Raid Days:
Tuesdag: 20-23
Thursday: 20-23
Sunday: 20-23
Currently only recruiting for WoD.
if you have any questions you can contact Zrellim / Yáru or
Ironstorm ingame.