"The Reckless", found on October 2011, is a leading PvE guild of
our realm based at Terenas Europe. We are an English speaking guild
with players from Netherlands, UK, Belgium, Turkey, Ireland and
single individuals from other countries.
Our aim is to be competitive on our realm on every raiding tier,
possible. We have been here on Terenas since early 4.2 days, with
no realm transfers and no guild disbands. So above all, we value
stability and loyalty.
We are currently recruiting exceptional players only for Mythic
6.03 Progression
- 3/7 Mythics (Realm #6)
5.4 Progression (Raiding break after Realm First Thok Heroic
Siege of Orgrimmar
- 11/14 Mythics (Realm #1, West #443)
5.3 Progression
Throne of Thunder
- 13/13 Heroics (Realm #1, West #353)
- Realm #3, Horde #1 Madness of Deathwing Heroic
You can always check the classes we are recruiting from our website
but also keep in mind that we are always in the search of
exceptionally skilled, mature players to join our ranks. Mature
players being the keyword, we do NOT tolerate loot, standby
or any type of guild drama, or/and dps/meter whoring. We also have
a 18+ age policy.
What we expect from the applicants is to be able to learn the boss
fights and our strategies, having a very good knowledge of the
fight mechanics including the heroic ones. The applicants also have
to know their classes in and out, always keeping their knowledge
up-to-date for their latest class changes..
We also expect trialists to signup and be ready to attend every
Mythic Raid as humanly as possible. We have a very strong compact
team with very high attendance rate (90%) requirements for our
Warlords of Draenor progression raids. If you are planning to apply
to us, you need to be able to meet those requirements.
Our current raid nights (which are subject to change) are:
Wednesdays (Mythic): 20:00 - 00:00
Thursdays (Mythic): 20:00 - 00:00
Mondays (Heroics): 20:00 - 00:00
So if you are interested, please feel free to make an application
on our website at
www.thereckless.eu or alternatively add me on real id for a
chat: Freddykr#2621
Also feel free to check our recruitment video below, for to know
more about us: