Looking for more raiders for Mythic raids and expansion.
We raid Tuesday and Thursdays, 8-11 (server time; 9-12 EST).
Raiders are expected to have vent and be ready to raid 10 minutes
prior to raid time to be invited (must be enchanted, gemmed, and
have food and flasks).
Guild consists mostly of male/female players 30-45 and young male
adults 21-30. This guild has no age restriction, but we only accept
mature people - most of the adults have kids who play in the guild
too. No drama tolerated. We typically run old content and
achievements on off raiding nights and most guildies are happy to
help out when given advance notice.
The guild mostly consists of people that were in the guild
Cataclysm. We are serious semi-hardcore. All of us have work
schedules and many of us have families, so take our raid time very
seriously - be on time and prepared. At the end of the guild
Cataclysm's life, players scattered to Armada, Nephilim, and
Depricated. Since then some players have moved back to depricated.
And yes, we meant to spell it that way...
Some achievements some players have
World 73 Halion 25
Realm 2nd Herioc LK 10
Realm 1st Herioc Deathbringer 10
Realm 1st Festergut 10
Realm 1st/world 641 Rotface 25
Realm 1st obsidian killer
Most of the player have been in guilds that include Avatar,
Cataclysm, Shadows and Dust, Nephilim, Armada, Audacity, Touch of
silver, Ascending Darkness, and Kill em All.
Noticeable players
Squishable, Zylaen, Oishi, Kirianna, Saria, Unmei, Frisch,
Qualthenas and Parf - these players have top raid achievements,
realm firsts, feats of strength and titles that are no longer in
the game.
To discuss whether you would fit with the guild, ask to speak to an
officer that includes the players listed above.