Important recruitment requirements summary:
655+ iLvl
Raid nights:
Tue-Thu 6PT/8CT/9ET-10PT/12CT/1ET (Currently Thursday is not used
as Heroic is done in 1-2 nights. With Mythic, we will likely clear
Heroic then head straight in and Thursday has a high possibility of
seeing use)
Recruiting Officers:
Gibybow (gibyX)
Sintorr (SintoX)
Miyaru (MiyaX)
If it has a Conquest tag and the names start with those letters it
will be one of us, please feel free to contact us to discuss
Current needs:
1 DPS/Healer swap (Primarily DPS)
1 DPS/Tank swap (Primarily DPS, very just-in-case for tactics)
5 DPS, preferrably 3 melee 2 ranged
Conquest has reformed and is currently recruiting for Mythic
Highmaul. Please apply through our website
One phrase comes to mind as we form our Mythic team and that is:
Casually Serious. We've all grown up and can't dedicate the time
that we did in the past to raiding. That being said, when we do
raid, we do not make any compromises on excellence. We expect a
player to show up, pots and flasks in hand, with as much encounter
knowledge as possible. Every member is responsible for knowing
their class inside and out, as well as being able to have frank
discussions about tactics and play without taking it
We are not here to hold hands but we will also not belittle or
berate anyone. We believe in quality team-building and performance
as a direct result of that. We have a mature raid environment and
ask that anyone who joins be interested in progressing while having
a good bit of fun at the same time.
We are not recruiting bench warmers and subs at this time, all
recruits will be seeing raid time on a regular basis. With this in
mind, please be able to commit to the raid schedule with at least
85% raid attendance (100% obviously preferred, but we all know real
life takes precedence).