After Six 8/14H prior to release of 6.0 14/14 Mythic after 6.0
Currently 6/7H 7/7N
After Six is a progression oriented guild. We enjoy raiding. And,
we enjoy progressing through end game raid content. A common trait
among all of us is our determination to win. If one person doesn't
want it as bad as everyone else, the group will fail. This is not a
casual club, nor are we a revolving doorway. We take this game
seriously. And, we are determined and have the drive to progress
through the hard mode.
Currently, Our core group is in need of healers and dps to help get
up to 20 players. Right now we are trying to finish clearing
heroics, and dive into mythic raiding. If you are interested in
mythic progression, we ask that you be 650 item level with some
prior normal/heroic experience. However, if you're interested in
progression raiding and are not ready for mythics atm, we ask that
you be at least 635 ilvl with knowledge of what to expect in
Highmaul. If you think you have the time and commitment to be part
of our core progression team, or are interested in raiding, please
contact Itales/Shamtales, Dagran, or Calibash in game for more
Raid Times:
Tue/Wed/Thurs 8:30-11:00 Server: Progression Nights
Mon 8:30-11 Server: Alt/Fun Normal Clears
Invites go out 15min prior. Please do not be late.
For more information contact a member of After Six to point you in
the right direction