During WotLK we supported nine 10-mans and three 25-mans during
peak raiding months. Most 10-mans completed 12/12 normal ICC.
Several were working on heroic and one completed 11/12 heroic
before Cataclysm released.
We are a gaming guild community made up of 2000+ active members.
Our membership ranges from mid 20's all the way up to a few 80 year
olds. We are students, parents, grandparents, employers, employees,
and even a few great grandparents. We come from different walks of
life and have members from around the globe. Everything we are is
built on the premise that gaming is fun and we prefer to do it
without the Drama.
So if you are 25+ years old and in search of a mature guild that
exists for one reason and that is to have fun, then check out our
Code of Conduct and Guild Charter and decide for yourself. If you
like what you see then create an account and head over to our
Recruiting Area and fill out an application.