SD started at the beginning of Cataclysm and has been storming
through content since. Though we're a tight knit community we are
always happy to bring in new people. Raiding is our focus but we do
run other content that WoW offers.
14/14 Mythic - Teir 16
1/13H Teir 15
16/16 Teir 14
We are looking for progression minded people who want to see the
content and kill it before others.
Raid times:
Tuesday, Thursday, and Monday 8-11pm server
All loot is rolled for so everyone gets a chance.
Ideal candidates should posses the following:
-knowledge of the their class and specs
-good raid awareness
-willing to learn and do research outside of raid times
-excellent attendance
-respectful to others
-NOT a drama queen (we don't want drama)
Interested? contact Zephyrr, Sequoyte or Snackpak in-game
*if not on just sent an in-game mail or contact any guild member
and they can refer you to an officer