--- Quick WoD update! ---
RG1 is currently not actively recruiting (Exceptional
applicants considered, as always!). We got a lot of trialees,
and are clearing through Mythic Highmaul, in between some merry
holiday time..
However, RG2 is gearing up for Mythic Highmaul now too! They
really need a couple healers (the above recruitment priorities
reflect this), and probably some dps! Please add [Yoggles #2502] to
--- SoO Update: --- Garrosh is dead, again! We're now
the 2nd guild on the server to have cleared 14/14 HC on both 10 and
25 man! For The Alliance, it seems! o/
The Raven Council is recruiting for right now, and for
By golly I bet you're happy to hear those words!
..Not heard of us? Well, read on, cupcakes.
The Raven Council on Defias Brotherhood (EU)* is a
ridiculously long-standing guild with a lively and welcoming
community. We've been around since ye olde days of 2005, and we've
adapted to all those fancy new expansions and players since then,
so this is one guild that won't spontaneously combust any time
soon. We've got three active raid teams, and run RBGs
semi-regularly. The info here concerns "RG1", the three-day-a-week
Mythic progression group. The guild is big, buzzing and
friendly, and we take our raiding seriously!
Most of RG1 have been raiding together through many tiers and are a
fun, mature and relaxed kinda bunch. Also, fortunately quite
capable of swiftly dispatching any boss we lay eyes on. We adapt
well and aren't afraid to give and take constructive criticism.
We raid for three hours, on three days during progress, and
aim to make best use of this time in order to be competitive with
other, more time-devouring guilds. We're currently claiming our
seat as the top guild on the server that raids no more than 9 hours
a week, having cleared 14/14 HC on 10 man followed by 25 man.
Our aims for an expansion involve going for high progress ranks in
Mythic (ex-Heroic) difficulty, while maintaining an enjoyable
raiding environment. We've had more than a few comments from
[non-bribed] outsiders about just how awesome the atmosphere
What, you need proof?
If you've ever seen a more calm and collected first kill of Garrosh
HC, and the group was actually sober, I'll eat my sandals.
Enough fluff, here's the hard stuff:
Currently recruiting:
Limited spots for exceptional applicants.
We can accommodate most classes in some way if you're worth it.
Ask us for the most up to date info.
Current progress:
14/14 HC 10 man (EU rank 426)
14/14 HC 25 man (EU rank 467)
14/14 Mythic 20 man (lol)
Currently clearing 20 man Mythic in one night (oops?), to solidify
our super fantastic team for WoD, and farm a few extra mounts!
Regular Raid Schedule:
Thursday + Sunday + Tuesday
19:45 - 23:00 server time
Applicants should:
Not be scumbags.
Know their class inside and out, including best talents and
glyphs to use on each fight, and the capability and experience to
perform to a high standard with all such spec builds.
Have experience raiding Mythic (or pre-6.0 HC) modes. Previous
tiers/expansions can be acceptable, but preferably 2/7 Mythic if
you want to be trialled right now.
Have a mic and be happy to use it when needed.
Be geared to at least 660 iLvl and with the legendary
Be able to attend all three of our raid days in a week.
(There's leeway for random RL commitments/emergencies of
Comply with the realm rules on naming - please consider if
transferring a character to apply with.
If you don't meet some of the above requirements, eg if you haven't
raided this tier/expansion - feel free to chat to us anyway! We
value historically awesome raiders, too.
*Defias Brotherhood..?
A high populated (but never queued) RP-PvP realm with a good,
mature community and near-perfect Alliance:Horde balance. o/
So! If you're looking for a social atmosphere with top-notch
raiding, and you reckon you might be a good fit for us here, go
apply on our forums!
Or if you want a chat first, have any questions or are considering
where to send junk mail, direct them to Rodela [JimminyBilly#2554],
our gnome with the helmet: Jimmble [Jimmble#2810] or fat panda:
Bowick [Banth#1555]