Right now - Recruiting 1 tank, 1 healer & 1-2 DPS
Hello, this is Never Easy
What you can expect from us:
A friendly family style guild with goal of getting all mythic
content down in a timely manner.
A stable and relaxed raid group that focuses on progression more
than farm content.
Experienced raiders and raid leaders.
Friendship, fun, progress and of course epics.
What we expect from you:
Good attitude
Working mic and is not afraid to use it
High raid attendance (80-90% is preferred)
Excellent knowledge of your class and specc.
If we sound like something for you, please contact us in game or on
our website:
Thursdays 19.30 – 23.00
Sundays 19.30 – 23.00
Tuesdays 19.30 – 23.00
Officers are: Zofa, Barkie, Viron, Lätta & Bobthearchon