Please read through all of this before applying
Immersion is a raiding guild on Frostmane which was founded just
before the release of WotlK on Al'Akir as a merger between the two
Al'Akirian guilds Midnight Reveries and Stature of the Gods. Ever
since then we've been ranked among top guilds in the world
according to wowprogress in every tier of content while maintaining
a healthy schedule of five raiding days (Sunday to Thursday
19:00-24:00). A few notable 25 man achievements being:
- EU 19 / World 34 Algalon
- EU 10 / World 19 Yogg + 0
- EU 14 / World 25 A Tribute to Insanity
- EU 13 / World 28 Lich King Heroic
- EU 18 / World 29 Cho'gall Heroic
- EU 17 / World 27 Sinestra
- World First Glory of the Cataclysm Raider
- EU 13 / World 23 Ragnaros Heroic
- EU 9 / World 18 Madness of Deathwing Heroic
- EU 13 / World 20 Will of the Emperor Heroic
- EU 11 / World 17 Grand Empress Shek'zeer Heroic
- EU 9 / World 14 Sha of Fear Heroic
- EU 8 / World 11 Lei Shen Heroic
- EU 8 / World 12 Ra-den
- EU 14 / World 18 Garrosh Hellscream Heroic
To ensure further success in raids we are looking to recruit out of
the following classes:
- Currently looking for 2 exceptional healers (Druid Monk Shaman
However, we're always open to applications from exceptional players
of any class to progress with us in the next content patch.
These are full time spots, we're not recruiting for the bench.
You will get to raid progress with us.
What we are looking for:
- We're looking for someone who is highly competitive, while at the
same time open to criticism and suggestions. Never making mistakes
but falling behind on DPS is just as unacceptable as doing amazing
DPS but being unable to stay alive. We're looking to recruit people
that are able to adapt to new situations quickly, that will learn
from their own and other players' mistakes so they're not
repeated even after wiping to different things and learning other
aspects of the fight. You don't have to constantly be reminded of
how to use your class/cooldowns to full potential. Nobody is
perfect and there is always room for improvement, you need to be
able to improve every encounter, every raid and always seek for
tweaks in your performance regardless of if it's Hogger, Patchwerk
or Lich King. In short: we're not looking for someone that is
happy with being second.
- Equally, if not more important than performance is reliability.
It is of utmost importance to be able to rely on our raiders,
something we ask of every potential applicant. We realize that
there might always be something unfortunate happening in real life,
but we are looking for someone that can hold up an attendance as
close to 100% as possible. Having to cancel raids every Monday
because "Bob" can't be there is something we will not let
happen in our guild. The same goes for unstable
computers/connections and emo people.
- Lastly, you need to be fluent in English, both written and
spoken, and have a working microphone for when it is needed.
If you are seeking for a highly competitive raiding environment
without having to raid 7 days a week and have all of what we are
looking for, we want you.
How to apply: fill in the form on our forum and click submit. We
will get back to you as soon as we can.