Currently 6/7M in Highmaul while only raiding two nights a week.
Looking for the following in particular, but exceptional players
should always apply:
Shadow Priest
General Information
<Despotism> is an Alliance 20 man Mythic raiding guild on the
Greymane server (PvE). Raids are Sunday and Monday nights from 7:30
to 11:30-12:00 CST (8:30 EST, 5:30 PST).
You can contact Balkoth or Burynerds in-game, via Battletag
Balkoth#1847 or Bury#1392, via email at balkothwarcraft at gmail
dot com, or by PM on our website.
Currently we're 6/7M in Highmaul. From Cataclysm through the end of
Mists of Pandaria we were the top US 10 man guild that actually
raided 2 nights per week.
Who We Are
Despotism is a guild committed to excellence in raiding on a casual
schedule. Our goal is to provide a home for skilled players who no
longer have the time or inclination to raid four or more nights a
week. Many of our raiders have been in server first and top world
guilds, but their schedules no longer allow for such a commitment
of time. Our players range from college students to working
professionals to parents coaching Little League. All are welcome
under our banner if you have the ability we need.
While knowing the fights and participating in our strategy
discussions are vital, we provide everything you actually need
in-game. You never have to worry about farming consumables or item
enhancements. You just need to be ready to show up and do your
We're also serious about our commitment to a two-night schedule --
you won't find us adding third days to progress faster. When we say
two nights, we mean two nights. It's a rule we've only bent twice
in Cataclysm under very unusual circumstances and not once in Mists
of Pandaria or Warlords of Draenor.
Our Philosophy
Getting the most out of a light raiding schedule is the essence of
We're looking for drama free players who can handle the pressure of
heroic raiding where a missed interrupt means someone dies, where a
wasted GCD can be a wipe, and where people need to be able to think
quickly and adapt in chaotic situations. While we'd prefer certain
classes and specs for raid composition, simply being a certain
class or spec doesn't mean you're bringing the skill we need. In
other words, the main thing we're looking for is player skill and
maturity, and we're happy to take a non-preferred class if you have
If you're recruited as a raider, you *will* be raiding. You may not
be in for every boss but there is not an "A Team" of exactly 20
people with a "bench" who normally sits.
Despotism is a Mythic raiding guild on the Greymane server that was
founded in the last few months of WotLK. We got 11/12 heroic and
the Frost Wyrm meta achievement while raiding one night a week with
half the raid as PUGs.
During tier 11, we decided to build up the roster and transition
into a full 10 man raiding guild. By the end of the tier, we were
7/13H with the final kill being Heroic Nefarian, which was an
Alliance server first. In Firelands, we achieved server first
Heroic Ragnaros and were ranked World 440 and United States 116. In
terms of two raids a week guilds, among English-speakers we were
first worldwide.
We maintained our rankings as a 10 man guild with server first
kills and being roughly around the US 100 mark during Dragon Soul,
tier 14, Throne of Thunder, and Siege of Orgrimmar. After killing
Heroic Garrosh as a 10 man guild we transitioned to 25 man in
preparation for our current Mythic status.