<Hard in the Paint> is a mythic guild on Windrunner comprised
of highly skilled, laid back raiders. We are a group of friends who
have been playing together since raiding in a top 15 US guild in
TBC and Wrath and returned to the game a little after 5.2. We
leveled and dove into content, finishing off the expansion strong
at US 7th. We enjoyed experiencing end game raiding again at a semi
hardcore level, and are in need of a few more to join our Mythic
team going forward.
We offer a social environment which doesn't end when the raid does.
We are mostly college students (23+) and are usually always on vent
in the evenings, whether it be messing around in arena (some of us
are former glads), competing for top challenge mode times, or
playing other games together.
Recruitment Needs
Holy Paladin
Holy Priest
Plate Tank
Exceptional applicants always encouraged to apply.
We raid evenings: Mon-Thu 8-12PST.
Our past experience includes:
US 23rd M Imperator Mar'gok
US 7th H Garrosh Hellscream
US 10th H Conclave of Wind
US 5th H Halion
US 15th H Lich King
Tribute to Immortality
US 8th Call Of The Grand Crusade
US 16th Alone In The Darkness (Hardmode Yogg)
US 4th He Feeds On Your Tears (Immortal Algalon)
US 12th Firefighter (Hardmode Mimiron)
US 11th 3x Knock On Wood (Hardmode Freya)
Roster: We are currently at a 24 person roster, and are
aiming to stay around this number.
Loot: We use a loot council system to evenly distribute loot
among our raid.
What We Expect:
You have done what you can to min/max your character.
You are confident in your abilities to play your class, and can
take constructive criticism.
You are aware of and can move from hazardous encounter mechanics,
with little negative effect on your dps/healing/etc.
You are searching for a long term guild to progress into future
tiers with.
How to Apply: Please fill out an application on our website,
If you have any questions, contact Desoteric, Dulce, or Karthak in
game or at Dulce#1145 or Desecrate#1378