At a glance
Vindicatum is an Alliance World of Warcraft raiding guild on the
Icecrown/Malygos server. We are recruiting for Warlords. We offer
paid transfers to qualified applicants.
Website and Contact
Guild Leader: Tanned (Tan#1393)
Officer: Sepa (Sep#1884)
Officer: Houndstooth
Officer: Jurik (Aurik#1478)
Officer: Twobeers (blmcart#1792)
Recruitment is always open for extremely skilled and experienced
We raid three days a week
• Sundays: 8-12:15 EST
• Mondays: 9-12:15 EST
• Wednesdays: 9-12:15 EST
With a 10 hour raid schedule we expect our raiders to maintain 90%
lifetime attendance.
We aim to be what Blood Legion or Midwinter would be if they only
raided three days a week. We like the people we raid with and we
get serious when its time.
Past achievements
Our raiding core has been together since late 2006, from Molten
Core to the present day. While we have had a few breaks here and
there, our core has always been around.
• H/M Garrosh US 55 (Realm First!), US ~79 Paragons, US ~75
• US ~218 Ra-Den and US ~247 Heroic Lei Shen
• World ~100 kills from SSC to Sunwell (all pre-nerf)
• World ~75th Kil’Jaedan/Muru
• World ~100 Naxxramas Immortal
• Realm first Obsidian Slayer/Magic Seeker/Conqueror of
Loot is just a means to an end for us. We make use of an Open Loot
Council. Gear is given to create the largest impact on the raid.
Members discuss drops, and if the upgrade is even, or too close to
really call, Officers break the tie based on performance,
attendance, and looting history. We trust our raiders to be most
interested in improving our raid, not their gear score.