Bridgeburners Warlords Mythic
Looking ahead to Warlords and the Mythic raid setting, we are now
looking to bolster our ranks with quality players who want to join
us for our particular brand of casual/hardcore raiding.
Throughout MOP our aim has been to draw players who want to
challenge the content on a more relaxed schedule yet still raid at
the highest levels. Going forward into Warlords we aim to continue
this philosophy, raiding casually time wise, while still achieving
meaningful progression on both Mythic and achievements.
Our raiding schedule is typically two days a week, allowing us to
fit in other activities amongst the week or just to have days off.
Currently we raid on Sundays and Mondays from 8:00 to 12:00 server
time, though this may be revised as we go into the new expansion.
We maintain our own vent server and it is expected that you be on
We strive to maintain a friendly inclusive atmosphere and, while we
are recruiting on our progressive needs, we hope to recruit people
who will be a pleasure to play with and would want to join us over
the long term.
Currently we are looking to finalise our raid team:
1x tank
Any non-paladin considered
1x Ranged dps
Interested in an Elemental shaman
1x Healer
Resto Shaman
While the above is a general guide to our attempt to rectify class
imbalances, with our expansion from a ten man raiding team we are
always interested in skilled fun players of any class interested in
our particular brand of casual-hardcore progression raiding.
Anyone interested should feel free to contact
Aeshmi/Paraiah/Malignence/Aeshim ingame or leave a message with the
forum account Aeshmi on our website at