Weekend Pandas was an alliance weekend raiding guild originally
formed on US-Kil'jaeden for working professionals who wanted
cutting edge progression without needing to raid 4+ days a week for
5 hours/night. The guild was formed in Firelands and after a
relatively slow start in that instance, our achievements over the
next few tiers were:
H Madness 3/12/2012; realm 2nd US 175 (10 man), realm 5th US 282
H Will of the Emperor 11/19/2012; realm 1st US 56 (10 man), realm
2nd US 92 overall
H Grand Empress 1/20/2013; realm 2nd US 78 (10 man), realm 3rd US
129 overall
The guild went on hiatus in the latter part of MOP, but we're back
for Warlords and mythic raiding! We x-fered to Proudmoore due to
dissapearance of alliance faction on Kil'jaeden.
Our official mythic progression raids are Friday & Saturday,
6-9pm server (8-11 CST). Despite starting from scratch in WOD, we
are now one of the most progressed guilds on server for only 6
hours/week of progression raiding. On special occasions, such
as the first week of launch of a new instance, we may add extra
days by guild member consensus, as many are itching to set foot
into the instance as early as Tuesday's launch.
Farm raids and tryouts are generally Tuesday 6-9pm server.
Attendance is highly encouraged but ultimately optional, due to
flexible scaling.
Loot is distributed via masterlooter and assigned based on what's
best for helping the guild progress as a whole. Attendance,
performance, and magnitude of upgrade are taken into
Always recruiting all classes, with specific need for
exceptional dps, for Mythic raiding. Join us and become a happy
A formal, written application on the website is not necessarily
required. Those interested can add me at HuntingX#1197 for more