Right now what we are looking for the most are the class listed
above. All exceptional applications will be considered, so if you
don't see your class or spec do not hesitate to apply or contact us
Our guild was founded 1 month before the release of WoD, and we
have already done well in terms of our team and progression. Check
our recruitment table for open roles, but we will still consider
any exceptional player. Our guild consist only of players who are
18+, which in turn gives us a stable, solid, fun and mature
Raiding days:
Monday - 1900 ->22:00(23:00)
Wednesday - 19:00->22:00(23:00)
Thursday - 19:00->22:00(23:00)
We are raiding until 23:00 during progression runs.
Our requirments:
- 18+ of age
- Raid experience and an understanding of your class
- TS3 (which obviously also requires a headset)
- A sense of humor
What do we expect from you?
- We expect you to be reliable. Signing up for raids means what you
will show up.
- Be prepared for our runs so that we will waste minimal time and
have more time to spend on acutall progression.
- We expect all our members to be online around 15 minutes before
What can you expect from us?
- You can expect a fun and stable raiding envirioment that yields
character progression and a good experience.
- We do not go soft on people that are dragging the rest of our
group down.
If you are interested make contact! Our website is still in the
making, so unfortunatly you will not be able to leave an
application there just yet. Juxmeister-Zenedar (Jux#2820),
Andyfml-Bladefist (Andyfml#2118), Arima-Frostwhisper.