Hello and welcome. Ex Cineribus is a reformed guild previously
originating from the Alliance side on Doomhammer. As a guild we
managed to stay in top 10 rankings during progression from Dragon
Soul up to and including Throne of Thunder.
Our current raid schedule: Main raids Sunday and Monday.
19.30-23.00 CET (Server time). We also are running alt runs through
the week (normally a Saturday morning)
At current we have a steady 8 man team running and we are
recruiting specifically for 1 tank and 1 mainspec healer for our
current SoO heroic progression.
What do we want specifically?
Tank: 1 non druid with preference on warrior but any class can be
Healer: 1 Holy Paladin or Discipline Priest
If you are interested, please feel free to contact anyone with the
guild ingame and they will direct you to an appropriate person.
Thanks, Swain.