Semi-hardcore raiding Guild focussed on mythic progression.
Our raid times ( GMT+1/CET)
Wednesday 19;30 - 22:30
Thursday 19:30 - 22:30
Sunday 19:30 - 22:30
On all days Invites start at 7:15
Overall good players with experience in current ( and prefered
earlier) raid content who feel like they can complement our quality
of raiding are encouraged and ofcourse welcome to apply in-game or
on the website regardless of class/spec.
What do we want from you ?
You are eager to raid and want to progress in all the Heroic and
Mythic modes.
You're an independent and Social player (that means you actively
prepare yourself for new encounters that the guild focussed on,
usually know about things and that you ask before hand when you
Raiding experience and skills (apply elsewhere if you have little
raiding experience. Despite the casual schedule we're not a guild
for beginners, but we do not ask from you that you are online 24/7
Near 100% attendance is expected, since we only have 3 raid days
and times are limited.
Your English is good enough for clear communication in our
Teamspeak 3 server.
You have no problems with your connection or computer peformance,
so you cannot blame failure on these.
Being in teamspeak is one of the MINIMUM requirements. You also
need a microphone.
At last, we expect you to contribute to the guild in anyway
possible. Help out members and show that you are a true ''
How to join/apply?
If you feel like you can attend to all these requirements you can
apply to the guild by making a apply on the website:
(Direct Link to recruitment page)
Apply`s will be checked daily.
If you are going to contact us in game, please do so when we are
not raiding. Whispers during raid times will most likely be
ignored. You can contact the following players: