Angry is an endgame guild that's been raiding on the Illidan server
for nearly 10 years now, since Molten Core.
Quick Overview
Server: Illidan (PvP) - located in Chicago, Central time zone
Progression Raiding Schedule: Sun-Thurs, 9PM-1AM Central
Loot: cooperative DKP-like system
About Us
We have a long history as a solid raiding guild on one of the US's
top servers for raiding. Most of our current raiders have been here
for years, and the guild is still run by an original founder. We
push to be as competitive as possible in raid progression, while
still retaining a positive environment. Our tolerance for drama,
immaturity, or lack of effort is extremely low. We generally keep a
small'ish roster, aiming for roughly 25 people for the new Mythic
mode - and as a result, we hold raiders to very high attendance
Obviously most people don't remain full-time raiders forever, and
we've built up a sizeable community of retired raiders. Combined
with the fact that Illidan is probably the most active server in
all of WoW, you shouldn't have a problem finding things to do
outside of raids.
For those who care about such things, our final boss kill ranks for
each tier of the WoWProgress era are:
T7: US #22 Sartharion 3D 10
T8: US #27 Alone in the Darkness (Yogg-0) 25
T9: US #9 Tribute to Insanity 25
T10: US #98 Heroic Lich King 25; US #77 Heroic Halion 25
T11: US #31 Sinestra 25; US #30 Heroic Al'Akir 25
T12: US #39 Heroic Ragnaros 25
T13: US #29 Heroic Madness of Deathwing 25
T14: US #34 Heroic Sha of Fear 25
T15: US #25 Ra-den 25
T16: US #44 Heroic Garrosh 25
We're looking for skilled, intelligent, informed, and active
players who are eager to conquer new content as soon as it becomes
available. Applicants should be drama-free min/maxers who know
their class inside-out, keep up with all the latest changes to the
game, and have stable computers and Internet connections. Potential
members should also be able to attend virtually all of our raids
without any serious recurring conflicts. We ask for a bare minimum
of 90% attendance within our standard raid schedule, closer to 100%
is preferred.
If interested, go to our website and read the Guild Info &
Policies page for more information on our guild, and the stickied
thread in our recruiting forum for the latest information on which
classes we're recruiting currently and how to apply.