Quarter Past Reset (Stormrage&Azuremyst) is a fresh Alliance
guild focused on PvE progression. Despite short history, our guild
is composed of veteran, experienced raiders who well know the taste
of hardcore raiding. Most of the core has raided together for few
consecutive expansions and delivered consistent high-end
Our progression is 2/7 Mythic.
We currently raid 3 days a week, each raid lasts 3 hours. Raid days
Wednesday: 20:00 - 23:00 (server time)
Thursday: 20:00 - 23:00 (server time)
Sunday: 20:00 - 23:00 (server time)
Tuesday: 20:00 - 23:00 (server time) (altraids/optional)
But we are not just a raiding guild. Outside of raid environment,
we form a friendly community. As a guild, we believe that synergy
between players is formed all the time, therefore our players
constantly engage in various PvE or PvP activities. The goal of
such is to ultimately create a guild that is composed of friends,
not random raiders.
As of this moment, we are particularly interested in:
-Shadow Priest
-Arcane/Frost Mage
-Ele Shaman
Please keep in mind that we will consider all applicants, therefore
we encourage everyone to apply.
Were you interested, please add one of us to your Battle.net, so we
could discuss all the details or visit our website.
Nvision: (GM) Arcmoon#2984
Gaia: (Recruitment) bwoobs1987#2291