About us: <Relax> of Magtheridon is a 20m progression guild
and is currently opening recruitment for Warlords of Draenor. We
have a long history on Magtheridon and we are looking to establish
ourselves in WoD.
What we are Looking For: Prior raiding experience is required.
Excuses and poor performance will not be tolerated, and situational
awareness is required.Raiders are expected to be punctual and fully
prepared every raid night. This means not only full raid
consumables, proper gear, best gems/enchants, but also a good
attitude and progression oriented mindset. Being unprepared is
simply not an option and time/money restraints will never be a
valid excuse for unpreparedness. Teamwork is absolutely essential
to our success and, therefore, high attendance is key.
Loot: Loot is distributed via a loot council system. In this
system, the loot council will ensure equal and fair distribution of
raid loot based on attendance, attitude, performance, and utility.
The goal of this system is to strengthen the guild as a whole, as
opposed to promoting a system in which loot concerns are based
around the individual.
Raid Times: Tues/Weds/Thurs 7:30 PM-11:00PM (Eastern Standard
We're in search of individuals who are currently geared for heroic
/ mythic progression, preferably 650+ ilvl. We have high
expectations of raiders performance in order to get a core spot. We
expect individuals to be above 20k dps or 25-30k hps.
If your class is not listed, and you feel that you have what it
takes to raid with <Relax> please feel free to contact one of
our officers. Every application is taken seriously and exceptional
players will always be considered.
Battletag contacts: