Hi, friends! :)
<Phenom>, formerly a US 100/server first guild, is
taking a lax and semi-casual approach to end-game content -- and is
looking for a few dedicated raiders to continue pushing content
Progression Raid Schedule:
Tues and Wednesday with an occassional Thursday
for clean-up.
6:00 PM to 9:00 PM PST (server) Pacific
Alt/upgrade/optional Raid: Sundays @ 5PM Pacific
Because of our light raid schedule and our thirst for
progression, near perfect attendance is a must!
Seeking for CORE:
• RDPS: Ele Sham, Boomkin, SPriest, Warlock, Mage
• Melee DPS (tank OS desirable, but not required): Warrior,
DK, WW Monk
• Possible core spot for (1) Resto Druid
All exceptional players will be considered, regardless of current
class needs!
If interested, please contact Pie via b.net: Pie#1786 ♥