Epiphany has been around since midway through The Burning Crusade,
July 4th 2008 to be exact. With a lot of its members having played
together earlier than that. Late WotLK, July 2010, the guild
unfortunately went separate ways due to having countless attempts
on The Lich King Heroic. But we are now back again to pickup where
we left off. The guild originates from Twilight's Hammer EU, but
has migrated to Frostmane EU due to low alliance population.
To show our history in terms of achievements I’ll list our
- Kil'Jaeden killed pre-nerf
- Naxx, Sartharion and Malygos downed few days after wotlk
- Sartharion 3 Drakes downed December 16th
- Ulduar normal cleared in first few days of release
- Ulduar hard modes cleared, unlocked Algalon as world 182
- Downed Algalon as world 141
- A Tribute to Insanity as world 190
As can be seen we've improved with each new instance and we aim to
improve further. We aren't content with our current success, we're
aiming to garner a reputation for excellence and improve on our
world rankings, but most importantly to continue having fun raiding
with people we like to play with.
We are a small group of highly motivated players. This means we
expect a certain level from our members. Our fundamental goal has
always been to maintain a high level of play within our set raiding
We do not raid into the early hours of the morning to get a kill,
we rarely if ever change our raiding schedule and we set very high
standards for our performance during our raids. We realise that
people have commitments outside the game and we aim to maximise our
performance during the time that we have. We are quite proud of our
success so far while maintaining a lower raid time than most of the
guilds at our level.
Our current schedule is Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday 1900-2300 EU
server time.
As mentioned before we also put a big emphasis on personality when
we consider an application, we have been very careful to create an
environment that is enjoyable for our members to play in, and we
believe we have a reputation as a friendly group of people. If
you're an elitist prick you may want to look elsewhere as you'd be
wasting both ours and your time. We are not a guild that requires
some kind of warning to possible recruits of crude language, racism
and similar subject matter in guild chat. Such subjects do crop up
from time to time, but they are not a common aspect of our
conversations, nor are they championed in the way that a lot of
raiding guilds do.
What we expect of you.
You must be self motivated. We don't look for players we need to
tell what to do, we want people that can think for themselves and
will actively research aspects of raiding on their own.
You must be able to play every night from raid start to raid end,
we expect dedication from our members. We need people we can rely
on to show up every night from now until whenever, no random
excuses or disappearing for a week, or needing to take unnecessary
breaks randomly during raids. Our raids are a focused environment,
waiting for one person is never acceptable.
It should go without saying, but the level of skill we require is
far above the average Wow player. You should be a master of your
class, with great knowledge of all aspects of it. And you should
have a great knowledge of other classes as well, not just your own.
We want people that can work well as a team and knowledge of other
classes is important.
You should know fights from all sides, not just from your own
perspective. You should be able to think on your toes and react to
what is happening; we don't want people that need their hand held
during raids. You should be able to offer insight and suggestions
on ways to improve the way we handle fights, and have the
confidence to do so. We are not a dictatorship; we encourage our
members to contribute to the development of strategies.
As a person you should first and foremost be friendly and polite.
We have developed a very friendly group and require possible
recruits to fit in with us. We don't care if you are the greatest
player on earth, if you are rude or put simply an *%!!%%! then we
don't want you. We want this game to be fun for our members and
won't allow anyone to ruin the environment we have built up.
Net Connection.
A recruit is of no use to us if they disconnect a few times every
raid, we need everyone online for the full duration of our raids.
It seems such a simple requirement, possibly shouldn't even need to
be mentioned, but if your net connection and computer aren't stable
enough to run Wow for a few hours each night then you need not
Gear is not a big requirement in an application for us. We do not
require people to have the latest hard-mode gear (although we won't
discount someone because of it).
As we are looking for excellent individuals to play with us for a
long time, gear is of little concern. What we do look for in terms
of gear is an indication that you understand your class and the
theory crafting that goes with it. Gems and enchant choices, stats
you've aimed for, talent choices and glyphs. If you are under
geared for your class then we'd expect you to be able to tell us
with great detail what you'd consider optimal gear, and most
importantly why.
Gear is temporary, a great player is permanent.
As we run with a very small roster, we expect all of our members to
maintain a 90% attendance while they raid with us. This means that
on average you may sign off one raid every two weeks. If you cannot
manage this at a minimum then you need not apply. We are looking
for dedicated players who want to play at our level, people that we
can rely on to be there every night.
Application process.
If you like what you've read and think you could contribute to our
guild then please visit
and read through our information. Please be aware that joining a
guild such as ours is a big commitment, and you should be 100%
certain that you can meet our requirements before you make an
One sentence answers to questions and poor grammar will get your
application discarded very fast. So please put a lot of effort into
your application, it's the only chance we have to assess you and
you should aim to make as good an impression as possible. There's
no such thing as too long when it comes to an application.
Current contacts for any questions are:
Innza, Gedai , cyhmia or Enlagomstark
Either in game or on our forums.
Thanks for reading.