<Semi Respectable> is recruiting for 6.0 and Mythic WoD
progression! Come join some of your favorite Icy-Veins moderators
as we plunge into Warlords of Draenor!
Guild History
<Semi Respectable> is a guild who raided for the first time
on February 11th 2014. With some roster gaps happening due to
unforseen circumstances, we still managed to get 11/14H and pushed
Heroic Siegecrafter to 13% in 35 attempts. With roster adjustments,
our current raid composition came together on February 25th and
went 11/14H. One week later, the guild downed Heroic Siegecrafter
under 100 attempts. Exactly one week after that, the guild downed
Heroic Paragons after 102 attempts. Our guild comprises of members
from 6 different guilds who elected to come together in an early
attempt to create a mythic guild in WoD. We are looking to bolster
our rankings with solid players as we go forward into WoD. All
members have a rich raiding history that enjoy operating in a
family-like atmosphere during raids. Speed of progress can be seen
with our Tier 16 history below:
February 11 - First official guild raid - 11/14H
February 18 - Loss of Disc Priest, loss of Hunter, recruiting
issues - 9/14H
February 25 - New Resto Druid, new Shadow Priest - 11/14H
March 5 - First Heroic Siegecrafter kill - 12/14H (<100 pulls) -
Server 10, US 355
March 12 - First Heroic Paragons kill - 13/14H (102 pulls) - Server
8, US 253
April 7 - First Heroic Garrosh kill - 14/14H (180 pulls) - Server
4, US 141
For the past 5 months since our first kill, we have continuously
farmed 14/14H every week and have maintained and bolstered our
roster since our first kill. We continue to seek out skilled talent
and great personalities to team up with us going into the next
Raid Times
We raid Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8p-12a EST / 5p-9p
PST. We will NEVER go over this strict schedule. We always have a
15 minute break in the middle of each raid day. This accumulates
into 11.25 hours of raiding each week.
We are looking for all highly skilled, highly liked players. We
understand there are plenty of skilled players out there. We are
looking for skilled players that also enjoy being part of a
family-oriented team that might bicker and fight with each other
but comes together at the end of the day to kill bosses and have a
great time. We play many games together and spend lots of time
doing things outside of raid such as low-MMR arenas, RBGs, random
battlegrounds, and Challenge Modes. If you are a high quality, fun
person to be around and want a great place to raid in Warlords,
come check us out. From now until December 2nd, we will be farming
dungeons, Challenge Modes, and other group activities to prepare
for our first WoD Mythic raid. If interested, please apply via our
website or get in contact with one of the listed contacts.
It goes without saying that we are willing and able to recruit
exceptional raiders of any role.
Zagam - Raid Leader - Zagam#1660
Lockybalboa - DPS/Recruiting Officer - Meaculpas#1996
Ragebar - Recruiting Officer - ragebarr#1790
Krazyito - Healing Officer - krazyito#1696
Thanks for your potential interest!