(Updated July 2, 2014)
Currently Looking For
-Exceptional Ranged
Months Behind
was created on US-Eredar on January 6, 2006. Yup. We were a raiding
guild from the start, and we're going to continue to be a raiding
guild well into the future.
Some of our recent raiding accomplishments include
-8/8 25 Heroic Dragon Soul
-6/6 25 Heroic Mogu'shan Vaults
-6/6 25 Heroic Heart of Fear
-2/4 25 Heroic Terrace of Endless Spring
-13/13 25 Heroic Throne of Thunder
-Heroic Lei Shen US-109
-Ra-den 25 US-96
-14/14 25 Heroic Siege of Orgrimmar
-Heroic Garrosh Hellscream US-75
We are currently taking a break until 6.0 drops.
In addition to our Heroic progression, we have a history of being
involved with World of Warcraft raiding community at large, too. We
were featured in the documentary "The Raid", and our former GM Lore
used to host shows on Tankspot and Gamebreaker.tv before moving on
to become a CM at Blizzard. A few of our members are regular
streamers on Twitch, and we still get involved in the occasional
class guide or fun project from time to time.
While raiding and being involved with World of Warcraft is how you
get INTO the guild, what you end up getting out of it is so much
more. The people here really enjoy playing games together, whether
it's World of Warcraft, League of Legends,
Hot-Steam-Game-Of-The-Month, or doing a Google Hangout and drinking
the night away playing Cards Against Humanity. We value our
community in and out of the World of Warcraft. A trial here is a
trial to become not just a raider but a community member and
Raid Environment
While we value progression and preparedness, we generally keep
things lighthearted in raid. We are looking for committed raiders
who show up to raid knowing what their role will be on any
encounter, farm or progression. At the same time, we expect our
raiders to have a relaxed attitude and generally be able to take a
When we raid
Our current schedule is Sunday-Tuesday 8pm EST- 12am EST. (Please
be aware we will be adding Wednesday to our schedule as needed when
Warlords of Draenor is released)
To be prepared for raid, we expect raiders...
-to be ready to play the optimal or requested spec for any given
-to know the mechanics and their specific role on an encounter we
will be progressing on. If you have any questions, please ask an
officer or a fellow raid member, We would rather clarify before a
mistake is made.
-to be fully gemmed, enchanted and reforged at all times.
-to be fully committed without other responsibilities during raid
hours. While we expect an occasional absence to come up, please try
and schedule other activities around raid time. 24 other people are
counting on you to be committed to this schedule. We have a 10
minute scheduled break at 10pm for any quick afks that may be
necessary during raid.
-to be stocked with any necessary consumables. You are required to
be fed and flasked during raid.
-to be laid back, lighthearted and overall “fun”. This is the
environment we strive for.
The bench
We expect all raiders to occasionally sit on the bench. We do not
sit a set group of people every time we have no room. Generally, we
ask for volunteers to sit on the bench. Unfortunately, some
encounters require a certain raid comp. If you do not fit into that
comp, we may have to sit you.
We expect raiders to maintain a near perfect attendance rate. Real
life does get in the way sometimes but to us this is not JUST a
video game. You have a group of very real people who rely on you to
be there every scheduled night. That being said, if you have to
miss a raid day you must post out in our attendance thread. Your
role officer will give you access to this and other threads upon
Application Process and Trial Information
Generally, we expect all possible recruits to fill in an
application. You may post your application publicly on our forums
or privately to the proper Role officer or our Recruitment officer.
Exceptions are rarely made it is up to the Role Officer.
Apply here using the application template
Recruits are expected to...
-Have 100% attendance unless an exception is discussed with your
role officer.
-Bring your own consumables. This includes flasks, potions and 300
food. We do use Noodle Carts but on occasion, you may find yourself
needing your own food.
-Warm the bench on occasion. We try to be fair and cycle the bench.
Chances are, you will not spend your first week on the bench. How
would we test you that way?
We do not have a set trial period. Your trial period is up to your
Role Officer. Should you have any concerns about your performance,
feel free to discuss it with your Role Officer.
Months Behind Streamers
See us live!
Apply: www.monthsbehind.us