<Rainbow Cupcakes> is mythic raiding guild on US-Kel'Thuzad
that raids 2 nights a week.
About Us
Our goal is being one of the top 2 day raiding guilds around. We
ended tier 16 ranked 100th in the world for 2 day guilds. We plan
to improve that with every tier of content.
We are looking for 3 DPS and 1 Healer
- 22+
- 660+ ilvl
- Previous heroic/mythic experience
- 95% attendance
- Good attitude
- Teamspeak and a working mic
Raid Times
-Wednesday: 6-11 ST
-Sunday: 6-11 ST
If you are interested please apply on the forums @
Direct any questions to Soupnazzi#1201 or RyanKiross#1447