H A M is a guild with a focus of downing PvE content. Our
guild is made up various raiders that have raided at a top level
during their World of Warcraft careers. Everyone is expected to be
prepared prior to every raid starting. While the guild will be
supplying food, flasks and potions to all of its raiders, everyone
is expected to bring their own in case they are needed. A lot of us
took a break off for Mists of Pandaria but we intend to hopefully
contend with other guilds on our server during Warlords of
3/7 Mythic Highmaul
7/10 Heroic Blackrock Foundry
Raid Schedule:
Friday – 10:00 PM – 2:00 AM EST
Saturday – 10:00 PM – 2:00 AM EST
Sometimes our raids will go past our scheduled raid times if we are
getting close to downing a progression boss or to finish clearing
up some farm content. Our raids pull precisely on time and we will
typically take one break after two hours.
Currently recruiting:
Exceptional DPS for mythic content
We are interested in group packages as long as all members
perform. Additionally, if you feel like you are an exceptional
player, feel free to apply even if we are not specifically
recruiting your class.
A version of EP/GP
Please feel free to apply at our website
You may also add one of us to realid if you have any additional
questions or want to discuss recruitment in further details.
Renegade#1318 - GM
GoldBrass#1226 - Recruitment
Karma#1401 - Officer
Untouchable#1281 - Officer
Flux#1460 - Officer