This is guild.
After a group of us got back together to clear challenge mode
dungeons, we realized we only needed a handful more people to get a
raid group together. We found old friends and acquaintances and
reformed our raid team. Now we need your help.
We are made up of about half old members of the guild and half new
recruits. It’s a great time to join and be part of building the
chemistry of the group.
Don’t worry, we already have the numbers to run content. We just
want good fun people to play with that will give us some
flexibility if/when people can’t make a raid night.
Speaking of, we are raiding only 2 nights a week Tues and Mon from
8 -11 [EST]. Our plan is to raid heroic content in WoD. If we get
the numbers, we’ll run mythic content if we’ve progressed that
We are definitely not trying to be hardcore progression raiders.
Many of us have been there, done that. We are looking to keep it
casual and fun this time around.
That being said, we have one simple rule, ‘Don’t be a
We used to have tomes of rules regarding loot, preparing for raids,
guild conduct, etc. We distilled all that down to this one
We’ve also simplified our website down to the essentials. Here it
If you are interested in joining, go to our forum and fill out an
app. We don’t ask you for your blood type or SSN like most guild
You can also contact me, Bellows, in forum or in game. You can also
do a /who Internet Dragonslayers, pick a random member and say,
“Hey buddy, I’m interested in joining your guild.”