<Spoon> is a 10H raiding guild on US-Duskwood (ET). Our guild
core has been raiding together since TBC/WotLk and provides a
strong continued base for raiders interested in heroic progression
raiding. We were created and operated as a 25H guild, which
migrated to 10H after WotLk.
We are currently seeking to bolster our roster to finish 10H Siege
of Ogrimmar, and then segue into a 20 mythic raiding guild in WoD.
Strong applicants are recommended to apply regardless of listed
needs. Please contact me in-game or at
Our raiding schedule is Sun-Wed 8:30-11:30 ET. Sunday is often run
for fun or achievements after progression, or otherwise dropped
from the schedule. We also have many players who work through Gold
CMs; and a long-standing alt run Sat PM.
I'm happy to respond to inquires via email; we do not have a formal
application process but an brief interview via email / vent is
required to confirm experience, interests, objectives, and
maturity. We are seeking mature players for a fun, calm, and
challenging raid environment. We expect you know your class and
will put in effort to stay current and maintain exceptional
performance. We do not have attendance requirements, but there is
an expectation of frequent attendance - but we all recognize the
importance of real life.
We typically have substantial heroic progression if not full
clears. Our 10H pre-nerf progression includes:
Tier 8 - One light in the darkness
Tier 9 - Tribute to Insanity
Tier 10 - Bane of the Fallen King
Tier 11 - 9/13H + Of the Four Winds
Tier 12 - 7/7H Firelords w/ 39 H Ragnaros Kills
Tier 13 - 9/9H + Savior of Azeroth
Tier 14 - 6/6H MSV + 7/10H
Tier 15 - 11/13H
Tier 16 - Currently 8/13H
For those tiers not cleared in their entirety, we are often very
close to kills and immediately receive them, reluctantly shortly
after nerfs : (