<Molt> is recruiting for our mythic raid team. We're 5 / 10
Heroic Brd. Core spot open for a skilled mage / possible hunter.
Back up Raiders are welcome as well. Looking for people serious
about pushing progression raiding content. Raiding experience is
required. ilvl 665 min + ilvl 680 Quest ring required for mythic
spots. Raids are 7:30-10:30 Pacific, 2-3 days / lockout.
Current raid days are Tues / Monday with a 3rd day being Wed or
sometimes Sunday.
We're a very friendly guild who enjoys raiding and pvp when we're
not in raids.
History - Molt's been raiding on dunemaul since WoTLk with casual
raiding in Cata. Came back strong at the end of MoP ending at 11 /
14 mythic (heroic at the time) pre-6.0.
If your interested in joining up with us please message me ingame @
Friars-dunemaul or our guild master @ Chubbs-dunemaul.
<updated 2/9/2015>