<Solace> is meant to be a home for players, rather
than just another standard guild. We have a pretty diverse group of
players, with a huge variety of interests and lifestyles. That
said, the guild is new! Warlords of Draenor is the perfect
opportunity to give us, as a guild, a fresh start to rediscover the
aspects of the game that brought us here in the first place. Does
this interest you? Read on!
Guild History
While the guild is new, we have quite a history. Led by a player
who has been a part of WoW since vanilla, most of the foundation of
the guild has known one-another for most of Mists of Pandaria (and
with many of us, much longer than that- reaching back to Wrath of
the Lich King and much earlier!), having come over to
<Solace> from another guild.
Guild Direction
<Solace> is the latest chapter in our lives, and one with a
bright and promising future. We're recruiting not just for raiders
but for fun, active players who are ready to tackle the expansion
head-on and enjoy what it has as a whole has to offer (this
includes non-raiders!). Our goal is to enjoy the game first and
foremost, and our raid core will be built on that understanding;
we'll be raiding not as a chore, but as friends enjoying time
together killing bosses.
Guild Atmosphere
We're adult. This doesn't mean we have an age restriction, but
expect joking around and adult conversation. We are usually very
active on Mumble, so there are usually many ways to socialize even
if guild chat gets quiet.
Outside of WoW, many of us play Diablo III, League of Legends,
Hearthstone, Pokemon, Super Smash Bros, Terraria, and many more
games. As mentioned before, we are usually very active on Mumble,
and that's normally where those playing other games hang out!
<Solace> raids both Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30-11pm
These days are for our main raiding team. <Solace>'s goal is
progression without the cost of fun. We require our raiders to be
prepared for raid, to focus and stay positive, but also to (at
least occasionally) participate in the atmosphere of the raid.
There is no point in progression kills without enjoying the journey
there, so why not enjoy the night and joke around at the same
<Solace> also usually runs an off-night scheduled on Fridays
starting either at 7:30 or 8:00pm EST and ending whenever we feel
like it. This off-night is usually the perfect opportunity for
people not on the main raid team to come have some fun with us, and
usually that involves heroic Highmaul runs.
In addition, we enjoy running unscheduled stuff, ranging from old
raids to drinking nights to simply having fun in Mumble.
Interested in becoming a member of <Solace>? Fantastic! Head
on over to Solace-AD.com and fill out an application by
clicking the [Apply to Solace] tab on the menu. The application
form itself is tailored more towards getting to know you as a
person; take your time with it, share some laughs, and have
Guild Contact Information
Restomak - Guild Master - Restomak#1419
Crysten - Officer - Cristen#1477