Although we are recruiting for Warlords of Draenor, and still need
a few players for 20-man Mythic Raids, we have immediate raiding
opportunities as well. Raid openings can vary, so please contact us
in game via Guild Recruitment, In-Game Mail, or whisper. Raid times
start at 7:00 p.m. (server/mountain) and last for up to four hours.
Interested players should leave a message with Tiara, Kerrigan, or
Bearrabas for more information. Information should include what
role you are applying for, your availability, and what you feel
your unique qualifications are. Applicants with posted logs (like
from will receive higher
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Be fully enchanted and gemmed. Have complete
raiding experience for the current content and a solid raiding
spec. Be available to commit the full time to the raids scheduled
for the week, and be on time prepared (with your own
food/flasks/mats/etc.) Know the content, but be willing to ask
questions and to communicate (ventrilo). Be willing to do your own
research for how you can improve and help on various encounters,
and take initiative to do so (instead of waiting to be
asked/told/screamed at). Don't always be the last one coming back
from a wipe, and don't be the one always asking when we're done or
taking a break. Don't be a troll, don't make excuses, don't argue
with leadership, don't degrade others, and don't do or say annoying
things. Don't be immature, neurotic, borderline, narcissistic
(actually, we don't mind narcissism that much), passive-aggressive,
bipolar; or if you are, take your meds before coming online!
"My brothers and sisters all hated me 'cause I was an only child."
--Weird Al Yankovic