Omnicron is a level 25 guild and we are currently 14/14 in SoO and
12/12 in ToT. We Started raiding at the end of May 2013.
We are a fun relaxed raiding guild that focuses on mechanics and
execution of the fight before we worry about pretty numbers. While
raiding we do have our fun, but progress does not come secondary.
During boss pulls vent is quiet unless there is a need for a raid
leader to make call.
We are recruiting all Classes and Specs, preference on Mages,
Shaman, Monks, Priests, and Pallies as backup raiders. Closed
recruitment for Warriors of all Specs and Druid/DK Tanks. While our
primary raid slots may be filled atm, we will always do our best to
work with you and get you in on the bosses you need if we can.
If you are a focused player and have an understanding of all
cool-downs both dps and preservation, as well as roles of your
class, we are looking for you. We are very solid group of players
and are interested in the progression of our guild above all else,
Loot is a secondary and Drama that comes from it will not be
For any questions please contact myself, Cidous, via in game mail
or just do a \who Omnicron and ask to speak with an officer about
Thanks for your time and have a great day,