Ours is a close knit raiding guild focused on progression raiding,
alt raiding, and gnome punting (in that order). We don't expect
raiders to be perfect, but we do expect them to learn, adapt, and
ultimately master raid mechanics during progression. A solid
understanding of your class's abilities, even ones that aren't used
often (Soothe, Intervene, etc), is expected. Typically, recruits
raid with a group for 1-2 weeks before given a guild invite, so
both the recruit and the guild are certain the personalities, play
style, and schedule mesh.
Raid nights are, at current
10-man - Wed/Sunday, 8 to 11 EST - Elishan Leading
Flex raiding - Tuesday, 8-11ish EST - Cernaco Leading
More raid groups will form as interest and members allow.