Casually Efficient - Have a life and still raid!
Enclave is Shattered Hand's #1 Guild that raids 2 nights a
While we typically have a serious attitude about progression, we
also understand that people are not able to dedicate too much time
to raiding anymore. With this understanding, we pride ourselves in
our ability to progress efficiently with the time we have. Through
the leadership and unity that our raid team encompasses, Enclave is
the most player friendly and truly collective raid environment
provided on this server.
If the requirements and what we look for in applicants strikes a
chord we encourage you to head to our website and post an
Gear necessary to perform in the current raid tier.
Mumble installed and a working microphone with headset.
Extremely high attendance.(We raid Tuesday and Wednesday @ 9pm
Willingness and the ability to perform different roles as
What we are looking for in an Enclave Raider:
Experience in raiding end game tier content.
Experience raiding in multiple roles, including a minimum of
two of the three primary roles (tank, heal, dps)
The ability to conceptualize boss encounters that would
challenge everyone in the raid.
Thorough knowledge of the other classes that share your
immediate raid role (i.e. if you are a healer, you know much bout
the other 2 healers, ranged DPS would know all about the other
ranged DPS and even the melee DPS)
Unafraid of speaking up on Mumble when the situation calls for
it; well-spoken, clear and mature discussion ability.
Regularly thinking of ways to improve your raid group's
efficiency even if you aren't currently logged in to the game.
Able to take constructive criticism and also point out
weaknesses in your peers' play in a productive manner
Please proceed to our website and fill
out an application. Please take your time and put in the same
effort filling it out that you expect us to take reviewing your
application. Failure to take our application seriously will result
in immediate declination. Thank you and good luck.