About Railgun
Railgun was formed to unite some close friends in a raid setting
once again as a casual Mythic progression guild. Not all have been
able to stay, but many have joined and formed new friendships here.
We don't ask for everyone to be perfect, but expect everyone to
prepare the most optimal spec for each fight, learn from mistakes
quickly, and perform their roles to the best of their ability. We
supply Food, Flask, and Pots to cut down on the cost of raiding
with us for all raiding members.
Trialing with Railgun
We like to keep trialing new recruits very simple. We trial on farm
content for 1 night. If you are performing worse than you could be
doing, we don't kick you from the guild. You will be given time to
improve and try again. If we have someone who plays your
class/spec, we might even recommend you talk with them to see if
they can help you.
We use a 1 man loot council. He hates/loves us all the same.
Attendance, Performance, Size of Upgrade, and Tier Bonuses help to
decide what is going to give the raid as a whole their best chance
at progression. Loot drama is unacceptable. If you are only looking
to get the best in slot gear instead of progression, this is not
the guild for you.
Kazune is very vocal about how loot decisions are made and DOES NOT
put new recruits on a trial from receiving loot.
We use mumble for all communication during raid times and for
playing other games together.
Raid Schedule
Railgun is structured as a casual Mythic raiding guild. That said,
9 hours a week is not a lot of time for a Mythic progression guild
and expect every one that wishes to be brought in for progression
to know every mechanic and each fight. Anyone that does not take
the time to make improvements as needed can expect to sit if
someone else is taking that time that they will not. We
occasionally may stay a few extra minutes for clearing trash for
extra loot to help progression or getting the last few pulls we
need for killing a progression boss. We also understand that real
life comes before WoW, so if you have something you need to do,
please send an in-game message to Kazune to prevent confusion as to
why you are missing during our short raiding schedule.
Tuesday: 9:30pm CST - 12:30am CST
Wednesday: 9:30pm CST - 12:30am CST
Thursday: 9:30pm CST - 12:30am CST
We run an optional alt raid on Saturdays at 9:30pm. Alt raid will
never go past normal raid times because it's just not as big of a
priority. Alt raid still requires you to know your alt inside and
out so that we don't spend the whole night wiping to very easy
bosses and causing unnecessary stress. Keep that in mind if you
intend to join us on those Saturday nights.
For any other questions or interest in our recruitment, you can
take the time to add these battletags and we'll be able to get back
to you much easier.
Tardnation#1597 - Hybrid player, does everything mediocre.
Sometimes kills things.
Batterytime#1964 - Raid Leader, doesn't believe in guild
leaders, officers, or hardcore raiding.