Recruitment Needs: Open to all amazing applications.
Resto Druid
Mistweave Monk
Holy Paladin
Holy/Disc Priest
Resto Shaman
DPS Warrior
Balance Druid
After forming on US-Cho'gall at the end of Throne of Thunder, HEART
OF THE CARDS quickly became a successful new guild—finishing US
30th 10-man in Siege of Orgrimmar and US 85th 25-man (after
transferring to US-Mal'Ganis following the announcement of Mythic
raiding). Throughout the tail end of SoO, we continued to be one of
the most competitive guilds, consistently maintaining top 10 world
kill times.
Now with the release of Warlords of Draenor, we plan on continuing
our success throughout Mythic progression. We want the best players
possible to progress with us during our four-day raid weeks.
Days/Times: Tue/Wed/Thur/Mon 8-12st (progression), 8-11st
Server: Mal'Ganis (Central time server)
Guild Expectations and Guidelines
We handle loot via Officer Loot Council which takes into
consideration your performance, attendance, and attitude.
Complaints about loot will not be tolerated.
You are expected to make 90% of raids. If you cannot make a raid,
notify an Officer ahead of time AND post in the "Raid AFK" thread
on the forums.
We do not tolerate flaming, complaints about loot, negativity, or
wasting time during raids. If you have an issue, take it up with an
Officer privately.
We expect you to perform your class at the best of your ability.
There are a multitude of resources for class and raid research, and
we expect you to use them. We will do our best to help if you are
under performing, but expect to be replaced if your performance
does not improve. The kind of player we are seeking should be
PROACTIVE, PREPARED, and EXCEPTIONAL. We raid to kill bosses and
make friends.
We will provide Feasts for raids, however you must bring your own
Potions and personal food buff/flask just in case. You are expected
to double potion on every fight, both progression and farm
If interested, please visit and fill out an
RealID and In-Game Contacts
PaladinHero#1197 - Crispiesz
Haithar#1654 - Charizard
Bubble#1477 - Swaglordyolo