Friendly admin staff with past
experience in hardcore raiding.
Tranquility is comprised of ex-hardcore raiders who no longer have
the time to fill a full time raiding schedule due to real life
things going on, families, work etc, however this doesn't mean we
arent dedicated to getting the kills we know we are more than
capable of. Currently standing at 7/7 N // 3/7 Hc and soon to be
more, we take a serious approach to the bosses, keeping organised
while still having a laugh between fights and keeping the mood
What we are looking for in our
Understand English. It is the main language we will be
speaking, wouldn't want you to feel left out.
Patience. Wipes are of course part of the learning curve of
Willingness to help others.
Ability to play your class well. Willingness to
Need to be able to join Teamspeak. Don't need to speak if you
dont want to, but the ability to listen is necessary.
Otherwise check out our site for more information.
Raid Times are (realm
Tuesday 21:30 - 00:30
Thursday 21:30 - 00:30
Hope to talk soon, make an application or message me or any of the
officers with:
Teri - Terikara#2742
Kumite - gregryan92#2361
Chanty - chanty#2555
Casvelyn - Drthaylan#2413
Ahzok - alejandro#2310