Apex <Garona> 2/7M, 4/10H is recruiting WoD Mythic
We are seeking raiders to join our ranks as we set our sights on
clearing Mythic Raid content throughout Warlords of Draenor. Apex
is interested in a variety of classes and roles, but are also
dedicated to improving our roster through the inclusion of any
exceptional player regardless of class and spec.
A suitable applicant must be competitive, a team player, and take
pride in what they do and how they perform without taking
themselves too seriously. Players with a God complex need not
apply; everyone is prone to a mistake every now and then. We are
looking for players who overcome the mistakes in the midst of a
successful kill and have the ability to learn fast from mistakes.
Experience is great, but we are always accepting players who can
prove their skill regardless of past raid experience.
In addition to raiding, Apex also prides itself for being a close
knit community of gamers that finds enjoyment in a variety of game
content. Aside from raiding, we participate in group PvP events,
old school raids, achievement runs, alt runs, and anything else one
can usually expect to encounter in game. Nothing raises morale like
group activity.
Basic requirements for all raiders include:
Ventrilo and a working mic
Appropriate Addons
A sense of humor
…and like to party
Raid Schedule:
Wednesday – 8:00pm – 11:00pm CST
Thursday – 8:00pm – 11:00pm CST
Sunday – 8:00pm – 11:00pm CST
For further information about our guild and raid team, contact
Kinah ( BN: Kinah#1111), Sanctus (BN: Sanktuss#1567), or visit our
website at http://www.apexofgarona.com