<V A N Q U I S H> is an alliance guild on the
Sargeras server focusing on completing 20-man Mythic content in a
timely fashion, while maintaining our 12 hour raid-week commitment.
Our goal is to bring our past "bleeding edge" mentality to a more
sustainable and relaxed raid schedule.
<V A N Q U I S H>'s success throughout the years is solely
because we have been lucky enough to recruit motivated and
like-minded players who were not only legitimately talented at the
classes they play, but also because we genuinely enjoy each other's
company in and outside of game. Our goal in each expansion is to
continue adding these type of players to our roster in hopes of
continuing our past success for the current tier and for expansions
to come.
What <V A N Q U I S H> can offer
#1.) STABILITY - VANQUISH has been raiding end-game content
since November in 2004, almost a decade now, under the same
leadership. The trials and tribulations of the past are a testament
to our determination for success in World of Warcraft, a mindset
that translates into our boss progression as well.
#2.) 12 HOUR RAID WEEK - Experiencing top-tier Mythic
content while keeping a competitive frame-of-mind doesn't mean we
have to put 40 hours a week into raiding. Our goal is to be the
go-to guild when it comes to our hardcore-lite
raiding schedule; that schedule being 7PM to 11PM central standard
time on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings.
#3.) TEAMWORK - Our players know what it means to be a part
of a team, a group of like-minded players who can identify a goal,
and know how to work together to achieve that goal. We are not
interested in recruiting mercenaries, only looking for a
stepping-stone to greener pastures, however, we are interested in
recruiting long-term, like-minded members to our team.
#4.) A FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE - A toxic raid environment is
detrimental to the success of the raid itself. Understanding this
idea, whether it be farm or progression, we try to keep the guild
atmosphere as friendly as possible.
#5.) SUPPORT - We want our players concerned about boss
encounters, not worrying if they have enough gold to repair or if
there are any flasks left on the auction house. During progression
flasks, food, potions, and repairs are all paid for by the
#6.) THRIVING SERVER - Sargeras is one of the largest U.S.
realms in World of Warcraft. You can pug nearly anything at any
hour of the day and our auction house is extremely healthy.
What we expect from trial members:
#1.) DEDICATION - Due to our limited raid time, we expect
trials to have 100% raid attendance.
#2.) WILL TO SUCCEED - Having a positive attitude when it
comes to progression might be one of the most important qualities
we look for in trial members. We want our members to be
self-motivated, determined, and to be enthusiastic when it comes to
progression through new and old content.
#3.) RAID AWARENESS - We cannot stress this point enough. If
you have a bad habit of getting hit by avoidable mechanics, or
getting others killed by doing something you shouldn't be doing,
then save yourself the time and money and do not apply here. Bosses
can't die if people are killing themselves or others.
#4.) COMPETITIVE HPS/DPS - While we do prefer survivability
over anything else, DPS and HPS marks during boss encounters will
always exist in World of Warcraft. Applicants are expected to have
respectable damage and healing logs in order to be considered as a
trial member.
#5.) COHESIVE PERSONALITY - It doesn't matter how good you
are, or how good you think you are, if you have a bad attitude you
will not survive the trial process. Players with negative attitudes
are cancerous to the raid environment and no amount of skill can
ever justify keeping them in our guild.
Some of our past achievements throughout each World of Warcraft
Tier 6 (Released March 25th, 2008)
First Kalecgos kill: March 25th - US
1st (World 1st)
First Brutallus kill: March 26th - US 3rd
First Felmyst kill: March 27th - US 2nd
First Eredar Twins kill: April 11th - US 3rd
First M'uru kill: May 15th - US 5th
First Kil'Jaeden kill: June 2nd - US 5th
Tier 7 (Released November 13th, 2008)
First Sartharion (3 Drakes) kill:
November 29th - US 5th
First "The Immortal" Achievement: December 9th - US 1st
First Malygos (5 Minute) kill: January 4th - US 12th
Tier 8 (Released April 14th, 2009)
First Yogg-Saron kill: April 18th -
US 6th
First 'Hard Mode' Thorim kill: May 3rd - US 14th
First 'Hard Mode' Hodir kill: May 5th - US 1st
First 'Hard Mode' Iron Council kill: May 8th - US 13th
First 'Hard Mode' XT-002 Deconstructor kill: May 19th - US 1st
(World 1st)
First 'Hard Mode' Freya kill: May 28th - US 15th
First 'Hard Mode' General Vezax kill: May 31st - US 29th
First 'Hard Mode' Flame Leviathan kill: June 2nd - US 66th
First 'Hard Mode' Yogg-Saron kill: June 21st - US 25th
First 'Hard Mode' Mimiron kill: June 24th - US 23rd
First Algalon kill: July 21th - US 22nd
First Alone in the Darkness kill: August 6th - US 13th
Tier 9 (Released August 4th, 2009)
First 'Heroic' Northern Beast kill:
September 2nd - US 1st (World 1st)
First 'Heroic' Lord Jaraxxus kill: September 3rd - US 9th
First 'Heroic' Faction Champions kill: September 3rd - US 6th
First 'Heroic' Val'kyr Twins kill: September 4th - US 4th
First 'Heroic' Anub'arak kill: October 20th - US 114th
First "A Tribute to Insanity" Achievement: November 13th - US
Tier 10 (Released Decmeber 8th, 2009)
First Professor Putricide kill:
January 6th - US 1st
First Blood Queen Lana'thel kill: January 19th - US 4th
First Sindragosa kill: February 2nd - US 2nd
First Lich King kill: February 10th - US 28th
First 'Heroic' Lord Marrowgar kill: February 16th - US 25th
And many more...
If <V A N Q U I S H> is just what you're looking for, then
contact us now and begin your application process! If you have any
questions about VQ or the recruitment process, you can contact an
officer @ battletag Onslaught#1285
To formally apply, simply visit our website
(http://www.vqguild.net) and fill out a simple Q&A located on
our recruitment forums.
Thank you for your interest in our guild and hopefully we'll
talk to you soon!