We are a small but friendly and active raiding guild, which offers
players a comfortable, helpful environment, as an alternative to
bigger, more demanding raidingguilds.
being 100 nor raiding isn't mandatory to join, but a raids are a
keyaspect of our activeties. We raid 2-3x per week in the evenings,
try keep things relaxed and fun but still in a mature way and ofc
aim for killing bosses.
While we keep for making things as comfortable as possible for
everyone, offering guildventrillo/ts, webforum, practicing- and
gearupruns, food and flask for guildprices, in return we expect our
ppl to help each other out and to interact with others in a
respectful and mature way.
we currently are recruiting a few more raiders for Highmaul
progressionraids while we still spend time raiding older content
for helping our ppl to get mounts and achievements sorted. if you
would like to join us address one of our officers Dyah, Wîggly,
Silvaya or our GM Laskia, for an interview and a testrun.