All the class needs that are listed above are for core raid
Midnight Sanctuary is a late night Alliance Mythic raiding guild on
the East Coast PVE Server Stormrage. Since the guild's creation, we
have improved steadily into the top 20 proving our preeminence. We
have since fallen behind. However under the current leadership of
experienced players, we are proving our resilience and working our
way back to and surpassing US Top 20.
Mythic raid times: 12:00 AM EST - 4:00 AM EST Monday -
Loot System: Hybrid***
Guild Provides: Flasks, potions, repairs, gems, and
Our History:
Tier 17 - Highmaul - US 66th
Tier 16 - Siege of Ogrimmar - US 67th
Tier 15 - Throne of Thunder - US 24th
Tier 14 - MSV/HoF/ToES - US 23rd
Tier 13 - Dragon Soul - US 30th
Tier 12 - Firelands - US 72nd
Tier 11 - BWD/BoT/ToFW - US 96th
Tier 10 - Icecrown Citadel - US 86th
If you have any questions please contact one of our officers:
Etiquette - Honeybadger#1623
Please visit our website for more information and
to submit an application.
**We are open to looking over exceptional applicants regardless
of class.
***Please inquire with our officers about our hybrid loot