About Us
<Decadence> is a long standing PvE guild formed in 2005 on
server Sunstrider on horde side, which migrated to Karazhan during
the Burning Crusade and moved to Silvermoon as an Alliance guild
for Cataclysm.
In Spring 2014 the guild merged with <Incinerate> to form a
new raid team to go forwards in Warlords of Draenor as a close-knit
20 man team.
Members of Decadence have always striven to experience the most
challenging content in game throughout all expansions while being
able to have fun in an enjoyable and respectful raiding
With heroic Highmaul completed, we are now focussing on Mythic
Classes we are looking for
Presently, we are looking for dps who can put out the numbers, are
appropriately geared (650+) and can take a bit of banter.
Would look favourably on applications from experienced:
Shadow Priests
and maybe an elemental shaman and rogue.
We are not recruiting healers at this time.
What do we offer:
Strong raiding core
Experienced officer team with more than 5 years raiding
Stable guild environment
Good social atmosphere with people hanging around on TS outside of
What do we require from our raiders:
Good knowledge of class including off-specs and good general
knowledge of the game
Good raiding experience
High attendance (5/6 raids per 14 days)
Willing to improve your game-play
Good knowledge of upcoming boss fights
Gear appropriate to the guild's current progress
Raid times:
Wednesday - 20.00 - 23:00
Thursday - 20.00 - 23:00
Sunday - 20.00 - 23.00
Monday - 20.00 - 23:00
Loot distribution:
For our current recruitment status and further information please
visit our site
If you have any questions, feel free to contact any of our officers
in game, or you contact the GM direct via Battletag Marvyn#2275: