Recruitment is always open for exceptional players of any class,
regardless of our current recruitment needs. If you know you're the
type of applicant we're looking for, please feel free to submit an
Guild History
Vox Radix has been an end-game raiding guild for over 6 years now.
We have achieved many server firsts in Vanilla, BC, and Wrath
(including 3 Drakes, Naxx, Malygos, Immortal, Yogg-Saron, Grand
Crusader, and Light of Dawn) with many more in Cataclysm.
What you can expect from us:
Loot System: We use DKP, with bonuses for server first boss
kills. Applicants earn dkp and can bid on items, however raider
ranked players will have priority on loot.
Raid Times: We currently raid Tues - Thurs 8pm - 12 pm CST
(server time) Raid invites start at 7:45.
Bleeding Edge Content: We play to raid. We like to kill ***. We
are competitive and are always striving to be better.
We don't recruit for the bench.
Guild repairs, potions, flasks, and food provided on
progression content
Inappropriate humor
What we expect:
Consistency: We are looking for people that can come in day in
and day out that can perform their task as expected (i.e not doing
50k dps one day and then 100k dps another)
Determination: We are looking for players that are passionate
about the game, like to theory craft, and read up on their class
and current content. People that are not easily discouraged or take
being called out as a personal attack. Raid members should approach
the last attempt of the night with the same focus as they do to the
first. Lastly, LEARN from your mistakes, and the mistakes of
Respect: We expect all of our members to show respect to other
players in guild and outside of the guild. We have a 0 tolerance
policy for large egos and elitist attitudes.
Attendance: 80% attendance is required for Raider rank. If you
are unable to make a raid and RL happens we expect you to post on
our forums.
Optimization: We expect you to optimize your spec, gear, and
consumables for the highest possible output. This should be a
Sense of Humor: We realize a lot of this post probably sounds
sterile. The point of this game is to have fun, and fun we have. We
hope that our... shall we say "not-so-politically correct" sense of
humor won't offend you! When you join our guild, we reserve the
right to assign you a race, religion, or color as we see