Pretty Maids is an international 10/25 man progression guild, (EU
PVP Ravencrest) now Shattered Hand
We are an age 18+ horde guild, our raiders are located all across
Old School raiding guys, with the focus on end-game content and
progressing through new raids.
PM are Recruiting 1 Healer and 2 dps
WOD Raid times
Wednesday + Sunday 19-23
Tier 17 Progress
3/7 Mythic Highmaul
7/10 Heroic Blackrock
Tier 16 Progress
14/14 Mythic before 6.2
Tier 15 Progress
Throne of Thunder 10 man 13/13 HC
Tier 14
11/16 HC Pre nerf 10 man, 12/16 with Nerf
Moved to Shattered Hand
Tier 13
8/8HC 10 man
Warlord Zon'ozz 10 HC Horde First(Ravencrest)
Tier 12
Firelands 10 man 7/7HC (rag post nerf)
Tier 11
7/13 HC 10 man
Tier 10
Did not raid, merged with other guild into On A Boat
Tier 9
5/5 HC 10 man
Merged with other guild into, On A Boat
Tier 8
6/15 HC 25 man ish
Merged with other guild into, On A Boat
Tier 7
Full clear 25 man
The Immortal - 25/2 and 26/03 - 2009
The Undying - 12/02/2009
Tier 6
Hyjal, BT and Sunwell
Full clear 25 man
kil'jaeden (post nerf)
Tier 5
Full clear 25 man
Tier 4
Kz, Gruul and Maggy
Full clear 25 man
PM is useing Loot Council
As with any other guild aspiring to kill all HC content, you are
required to know your class very well, read up on
spells/abilities/mechanics, etc. including showing up prepared at
every raid optimally enchanted/gemmed/reforged with pots,
Pretty Maids are always recruiting exceptional players, so there is
no harm in applying even if we're not recruiting your class/spec..