<Vibe Tribe>
The Vibe Tribe is currently a 20 man semi-hardcore progression
focused raiding guild on US - Tichondrius and is looking for few
more exceptional players to fill our Mythic content team.
Group led by former US 20 Raiders seen here:
We raid Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8-11:30 PM PST with
the occasional raid on Saturday and/or Sunday during progression
based on whether or not we feel like we are close to downing the
boss and if all of our raiders want to come to raid on extra days.
We are especially looking for the classes/specs listed above.
However, we encourage all exceptional players to apply.
6/7M Highmaul
9/10H Blackrock Foundry
What we expect from you:
- 665 ilvl
- You will be required to post an application and meet with us for
a ventrilo interview.
- We expect you to be a dedicated member and ready for anything
progression throws at you.
- Sufficient knowledge of your class and how to play it to its
fullest potential.
- Survivability and Adaptability to on the fly situations.
- Positive attitude
- Have an open mind and a decent personality
What you can expect from us:
- Guild repairs
- Some awesome people
- Focused progression raiding
- Lots of bad jokes
Outside of Raid -
Outside of raid we are a very busy bunch of friends doing Challenge
Modes, Battlegrounds, Arenas, Transmog Runs, and soon a little bit
of RBGs. We are a multi gaming community and could find us across
multiple platforms and other games such as League of Legends.
Location -
Our base of operations is US - Tichondrius the most populated and
one of the most competitive PvP servers. A large population brings
a lot of opportunities in the economy and all social aspects of PvE
and PvP.
Please contact Oakspeaker (Knockout#1411) or Breaker (Tesla#1755)
or Onions (Onions#1810) in game if you have any questions or want
any additional information.
Accepting applications on our website,