As TWC prepares for WoD progression, we are currently recruiting
the classes/specs shown above.
Exceptional applicants are encouraged to apply, even when your
class is not explicitly listed above.
TWC raids on Tues/Wed/Thurs from 7 pm to 10 pm Server Time
Feasts and repairs are supplied by the guild bank during official
raid hours.
The War Council is a mostly laid-back community of gamers
founded in EQ over a decade ago. The guild moved to WoW with the
release of TBC and has been on Silver Hand since. As we grew, our
community transcended beyond just a WoW guild, and we now have
members that play together across Steam games, D&D, Rift, Tera,
and other fringe MMOs.
Our WoW branch consists of skilled and dedicated raiders who wish
to progress through the hardest content the game offers without the
extreme time commitment of hardcore raiding. We do so by holding
our members to a high standard, and using our limited raid time
For more information, please visit our website at
Minatron - Raid Leader/Guild Master
Aubrum/Caber, Sanies, Radz - Council
Altarian, Thaedz,- Officers
See Thaedz or Altarian in-game for recruitment info.