We are in search of raiders to make the best horde team in Warlords
of Draenor
We in AV strive to become one of the best horde raiding guilds on
the server and we right now need the last people to complete our
core mythic team.
AV has a history of being the biggest social guild on the server,
this means there is always someone online, and we have people for
If you're looking for a guild with a lot of players, and a raiding
team which strives to push itself, then AV is the guild for
We raid 4 days a week during progression
Wednesday, thursday, sunday and tuesday from 20.00-22.30
Raids can end a bit earlier or later depending on how the raid
If you think this a guild for you, then head to our website and
make an application.
If you have more questions about the guild you can always /whisper
ghóst ingame or add him on btag Defendor#2566