Any exceptional players would be considered.
Raids are only 2 nights a week so we prefer players that would have
100% attendance. We understand real life does happen so sending in
game mail, text message, or the like so a pug could be found is
greatly appreciated.
All applicants will be checked out via the armory therefore you
should be gemmed, enchanted, and have the proper reforging. With
progression in mind it is imperative you know your class.
Raids are Thursday and Monday Nights 8-10pm(EST)server time.
Invites go out early starting around 7:45 so we can see if slots
need to be pugged. All raiders are expected to come to raid with
food with buffs, flasks, and pots specific to their class and
The guild utilizes a 25mVentrilo server for raids and other events.
We prefer raiders have a microphone even if you don't feel like
being vocal. While we enjoy being very chatty and love to indulge
in rude, crude, or socially obnoxious behavior; We are still very
respectful to each other. The guild/ raid is split pretty evenly
men to woman ratio :)
We utilize the in-game Calendar feature for head counts and other
various guild events.
Bows to No One is always looking for more comic relief! Nothing
like killing stuff while in good company.